Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Universe in a Nutshell

5 – Comments

- Einstein’s say that the universe is made up of matter, that everything is made out of matter. That the matter that is in the universe wrap space time together like a human body hold and protect the inside and it wrap together.

- Einstein doesn’t pay attention to the big bang, that he doesn’t take it seriously.

- Around December 1932, he went to Princeton to do his research at the Institution for Advanced study. When the Nazis were coming to power, he left Germany and after four month has past, he regained his citizenship.

- Einstein believes that it’s important whether the mathematical model of reality predict that the universe and time has an end, which what begins, end.

- In 1963, two Russian scientists, Evgenii Lifshitz and Isaac Khalatnikov, claimed to have proved that solutions of the Einstein equation with a singularity all had a special arrangement of matter and velocities.

4 – Question
- What is time?
- When did the universe/ time begin and when will it end?
- Does time really end?
- Why Einstein did doesn’t pay enough attention on the big bang?
3 – Vocabulary
- Big bang = the singularity at the beginning of the universe, about fifteen billion years ago.
- Cosmology = the study of the universe as a whole.
- Brane world = A four-dimensional surface or brane in a higher-dimensional spacetime.
2 – Literary terms
- M-theory is like a jigsaw.
- One can illustrate this with a pack of playing cards. Consider first the ace of spades. This looks the same only if you turn it through a complete revolution, or 360 degrees.
1 – Overview
- This part of the book is about the matter in the universe and the universe and time plus when does it end.

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