Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Devil in the White City

5 - Comments
- In Minneapolis, there had been only silence and the inevitable clumsy petitions of potato-fingered men looking for someone, anyone/anybody to share the agony of their days. Holmes lived in Eaglewood that is not the heart of Chicago, was at first a disappointment, but here is too that was a vibrancy far as she experience at home.
- They (Holmes and Myrta) went to settled in a apartment in the second floor and by spring in the year 1888, Myrta was pregnant.
- She help her husband with the pharmacy and she just love when Holmes is working and helping the customers. She admired her husband Holmes that she admired too of the charm with which he managed each transaction and how he won the business even of elderly customers loyal. Myrta came to see that underneath her husband’s warm and charming exterior there flowed a deep current of ambition.
- Myrta insisted of Holmes having more wealth, but his ambition never impaired his character and never distracted him from his role as husband and eventually father. She swore that she would have a gentle heart and that Holmes would adored children’s and animals. Holmes was a lover of pets and always had a dog or cat and usually a horse and he would play around with them. He never drink nor smoke and also did not gambled.
- Holmes begins to act like a dutiful husband. Her parents were cool at first but then Holmes courted their approval with moist-eyed declarations of regret and displays adoration for his wife and child.
4 - Question
- Why does Holmes act like a dutiful husband?
- Does Myrta knows about the past of Holmes and that Holmes is not his real name?
- Are the parent of Myrta happy with Holmes? Are they suspicious of Holmes?
- Why did Myrta increased the possessiveness? Was she jealous of Holmes when he was looking into a woman?
3 - Vocabulary
- vibrancy = moving to and fro rapidly; vibrating
- Transaction = Something transacted, especially a business agreement or exchange.
- exterior = situated or being outside; pertaining to or connected with what is outside: the exterior territories of a country.
2 - Literary Terms
- Simile = His presence was like oil on troubled water.
- Characterization = Her husband (Holmes) warm, and charming exterior were flowed a deep current of ambition.
1 - Overview
- this part of the book is about when Myrta is describing how good Holmes really is.

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