Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Monkey Bridge

5_ Comments

- Mrs. Bay was talking to Mai mom about joining into a joint venture.
- Mai mom is trying to work herself into the land of the living, working a lo't to forfill her dreams and the real life.
- The apartment of where Mai and her mom lived was becoming an illuminated glow. their was a new invasion of neiborhood from a building.
- Mai wanted to say that America hate losers, tat they don't want to have anything to do with Mai race of people.
- On April 30, 1975, the North Vietnamese swept throught Mai street and sh was watching from the yard.

4_ Questions

- Why does Mrs. Bay wanted Mai mom to be a venture/ talking into it?
- What is the purpose of Mai mom working to hard and working herslf to the living?
- Why were Vietmese was in the streets?
- What does Mai mean when she said "our apartment was becoming an illuminated glow?

3_ Vocabulary

- communism = a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common.
- interjection = a word or form of speech thrown in to express emotions or feelings.
- obscured = so faintly perceptible as to lack clear delineation.

2_ Literary Term

- spirited like a swordswoman chasing dawn and dusk from east to west.
- She glowed with enthusiasm as she expained the rule to me.

1_ Overview
- this part of the novel is about her mom working and the Vietmese sweeping the streets.

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